Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the LOGIKA factory.

Export of Products

Export of LOGIKA products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All LOGIKA products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant LOGIKA: universal and autonomous heat calculators, correctors of natural and technical gas consumption, electric energy and power adders, heat meters and measuring systems for natural gas metering
  • Measuring complexes LOGIKA
    Measuring complexes
    1761, 6762, 7742, etc.
  • Heat meters LOGIKA
    Heat meters
    1941, 6961, 7961, 8941, 9943, etc.
  • Thermal calculators LOGIKA
    Thermal calculators
    SPT 941, 943, 961, etc.
  • Gas correctors LOGIKA
    Gas correctors
    LNG 742, 761, 762, etc.
  • Adders LOGIKA
    SPE 542 et al .
  • Flow converters LOGIKA
    Flow converters
    LGK 410 , etc.
  • Stands for verification LOGIKA
    Stands for verification
    SCS6 and others .
  • Adapters LOGIKA
    ADP81, ADS99, APS43, etc.
  • Connectors, remotes and software LOGIKA
    Connectors, remotes and software
    KPP-03, K226, etc.


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